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Monday, June 18, 2007

Jersey Beat Podcast 41: First Day of Summer

Olivia Mancini & The Housemates at W.E. Fest 2007

Direct download: JB41.mp3

It's the first day of summer... Let's celebrate with some new music, some old favorites, and a few gems we brought back from W.E. Fest 2007....

Screeching Weasel - First Day of Summer

Cletus - Pedro Goes To Brooklyn

For Science - Soledad

Dustheads - Jailbird

Potboiler - 56th & Grove

The Sleeparounds - Letting Go

Chris Cubeta & The Liars Club - Better Alone

Olivia Mancini & The Housemates - I Wouldn't Worry

Blake Rainey - 99 Beers

So So Glos - Broken Mirror Baby

The Inevitable Backlash - Sex For Safety

Poingly - Punk You Up

Worm Quartet - I Want To Be Taken Seriously As An Artist

Intro: "Do It Yourself" by the Cucumbers
Outro: "Visiting Hours" by LandSpeedRecord

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